Friday, November 7, 2014


FORTY TWO! Or if this was counted like it is in the Beautiful Game, I’d be in my 43’ (what’s the symbol for year?)

Now, there are some who say that the number 42 is the "answer to life, the universe, and everything." I don't know about all that but then again I'm not the wisest wizard in Middle Earth. Sure, I have gained experience and a little wisdom in my life but I definitely do not have any of those answers...yet. 

What has happened or changed for me in this most recent trip around the Sun? Well, I’m chubbier, greyer (OK,OK. "More grey"), slower, more forgetful, and have the sudden need to buy a Porsche!

Other things have been happening as well. My anxiety and agoraphobia are being well managed and I’m in the early stages of gaining a life again instead of barely having a mere tiny existence.
A good example is that I had been volunteering at a comic book shop, the first “work” I had been able to do in perhaps six or seven years. I was even making friends here in Albuquerque! Unfortunately most of that changed (as things do) when the shop suddenly closed simultaneously creating a great many Nerd refugees (Nerdugees, if you will.) Several of us are now roaming the desert looking for the Promised Land, our Nerdvana. Thankfully, though, there are no comics carved from stone having to be retrieved from a mountain top, golden carbonite calves, or a dark lord chasing us across a marshy plain where we’re hoping the winds will pick up or an extreme tide will hit.

On the family front, for the first time in pretty much the forty two years I've been here, my
Dad, the Bob c1976
Father and I have began to talk fairly frequently. It’s been a couple of months but compared to the way we were it’s like we’re two cackling hens that can’t shut up.
A very young Riah
As young adults tend to do, my Daughter is struggling to find her way. She'll be fine because 1, I love her, and 2, I'm her Dad! Little 3p0 is getting big and acting the same way her mother did at that age which I must say I'm finding a guilty satisfaction in! As always her hair is reminiscent of the tangle of snakes upon Medusa'a noggin. However, I must say she is much more adorable! Oh! And the female parental unit is doing pretty well too.

 Using the Schwartz, I’m beginning to see a new phase for me. It is still blurry but perhaps the picture will become clearer soon. I won’t go into detail, however, because I still have the beast of self-doubt slowly dripping a poison in my ear. It is becoming easier to find a temporary remedy for said poison, but I’m hopeful I will find the antidote of self-confidence to keep it at bay on a much more consistant basis.

The exploration of my surroundings are increasing but there are still obstacles. A few trolls guarding the bridges to the East side are prime examples. Soon, I believe, I will be able to answer their riddles or just punch them in the nose and give myself permission to cross.

As of now I have only a few goals for the next three hundred and sixty-five rotations of Midgard:

1: To become less Jabba-like

2: Continue to find something I enjoy, and using that to earn my way through life.

3: Continue to work on my mental well-being

4: I am still a fellowship of one. Yet for the first time in what seems like many ages of man I am willing to add some companionship in the near future. I’m not exactly the most eligible or desired bachelor, but I can tell the occasional joke, pick a good movie, and order a good pizza! 
Yes, ladies, I'm single. 

Before this comes to an end I have to once again thank all my friends for the well wishes on this, anniversary of my birth. It helps immensely when I hear from you. 

(Nothing witty to sign off with)

Thank you for your time


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